Most Common Coffee Drinks

What coffee can i use?

espresso flat white

Roasting styles and methods is limited only by the number of different people who roast coffee. Most coffee consumers associate roasting with terms like dark, light, or bold. The problem is that none of these terms have any objective meaning. There is no accepted definition of what counts as a “dark” roast or a “French” roast. Even more meaningless is the commonly-used espresso roast” applied to coffee that is roasted very dark. Espresso is a preparation method, not a roast, so this term is utterly meaningless. Worse, it has sown confusion among the coffee-drinking public and caused people to associate espresso with dark roasting. The darker a coffee is roasted the more bitter it will taste. When coffee is roasted extremely dark, as with most so-called espresso roasts,” it will taste just like what it is: charred wood fibers. In reality, the best espresso is made using medium-roasted, or even lightly roasted beans. At lighter roast levels, more of the oils and sugars are preserved in the coffee and this leads to a sweeter and more balanced espresso with a pleasing syrupy body.

What coffee i drink today?

irish coffee


Classic coffee coctail where Irish whiskey is mixed with filter coffee and topped with thin layer of gently whipped cream.

coffee latte


Cafe lattes are considered an introductory coffee drink since the acidity and bitterness of coffee are cut by the amount of milk in the beverage. Flavoring syrups are often added to the latte for those who enjoy sweeter drinks.

coffee mocha


Coffee Mocha or café mocha, is an American invention and a variant of a caffe latte. one third espresso and two thirds steamed milk, but a portion of chocolate is added

frappe coffee


Frappe coffee, or Greek frape, is a foam-covered iced coffee drink made from instant coffee, sugar, ice cubes and water. Occasionally, people add milk to the drink. The Greek frappe became a symbol of the post-war outdoor Greek coffee culture



A cappuccino is a coffee-based drink made primarily from espresso and milk. It consists of one-third espresso, one-third heated milk and one-third milk foam and is generally served in a 6 to 8-ounce cup. The original Italian cappuccino consists of a single shot (1.26ounces) of espresso topped with a small amount of milk and froth.

cold brew coffee


Cold Brew is a coffee made by mixing coffee grounds with water, over a long period of time. Typically cold brewed coffee takes 12-24 hours; at room temperature or lower. Cold brewed coffee has less acidity and can tend to be more strongly caffeinated. It can be ideal as a base for iced coffee since no dilution will occur after being iced.

flat white coffee


Flat White is a coffee beverage from Australia and New Zealand. It is prepared by pouring microfoam (steamed milk from the bottom of a pitcher) over a single (30ml) or double shot (60ml) of espresso. It is similar to latte and like other espresso based beverages it can be interpreted various ways.

espresso cup


Espresso is the name of a highly concentrated, bittersweet coffee originating in Italy in the early 20th century. Translated from Italian, the word espresso refers to the speed and single-serve nature of the coffee compared with slower and more communal methods of brewing coffee